Introducing (4 months late) Kolbie Joy Gilliland. She was born March 17, 2016 weighing 6 pounds 14 oz and 19 1/2 inches long. She is currently 15 pounds 9 oz, and 26 inches long.
She loves to roll over, squeak, talk, suck her fingers and we may start introducing cereal in the next few days. She can hold her head up, she does leg lifts all day (her core is super strong) and has the cutest butt chin! She is starting to teeth so we have LOTS of drool, and she rolls over when she sleeps so we are in a little bit of a transition phase. She's grown so much that she wakes up to eat every few nights around 2-3am because, well, she's still hungry!
Kellen loves her A LOT!
Our family is now complete. And there will be no more babies, lol. Really, we can't have any more babies. I don't think many doctors recommend 3 c-sections any way.
We recently bought a house, and have been busy making it a home. Eventually we would like to have a swimming pool, a library and a sweet fitness room... all in time. Oh- and an awesome glass shower.
Once we purchased our new-to-us home, we decided it may be a good idea to find a local church. We had been commuting to Riverside to attend Sandals Woodcrest, but with two kids it didn't make sense to drive 45 minutes to get to church when we could at least try to find something in the Lake Elsinore community. Knowing full well it probably wouldn't be as amazing as Sandals- nothing could take the place of our home for the last 15 years, but regardless, we wanted to start getting involved locally- we keep up on how Sandals is doing via their webcast and weekly podcasts.