Saturday, November 14, 2009

Sandals Church

Sandals Church Building Announcement from sandals church on Vimeo.

It is a very important time in the church I have called home for the last ten years. We finally have found a building that we can call home. Like all buildings, it ain't cheap! Sandals needs to raise over four million dollars to move.

Sandals has asked for its members to pray about a faith commitment over the course of the next two years to help us own this building. Sandals has been a part of every major event in my families life. Pastor Matt married Colin and I, Colin was baptized at Sandals, Kellen was welcomed upon his birth, and was dedicated at Sandals. Colin and I have prayed and we have decided to faithfully commit to giving to our church. The funny thing is, it is not about a building. My perspective has been challenged and has changed over the last few months. Especially now that we have a child. This is a place where people are going to come to know that Jesus loves them, for the the first time in their lives. A place where my son will one day be challenged to take up his cross. THAT alone is why Colin and I will sacrifice all the money in the world to make this building a reality. Houses, cars, STUFF will one day be gone, but knowing that my son will one day spend eternity in heaven with His creator because a church stepped up when they were called to sacrifice is worth it.

Unfortunately, we don't have all the money in the world, but we will give with a cheerful heart as much as God will allow us. Please watch the video above and if you call Sandals Church your home, please pray about what God is calling you to do. If you are not a member of Sandals Church, and you still feel called to give, by all means please do so! Finally, please keep Sandals Church in your prayers, God is faithful!


1 comment:

  1. So awesome that you would take the time to post an entry like this on your blog. You guys rock and really do represent the kind of people that Sandals is all about. Thanks for the blessing that you guys have been in our lives in just the short time that we have known you! I can't wait to see how God's people are going to respond to this new step in our church's life.
